Monday, April 13, 2020

how are my feet?

Monday of the Octave of Easter
13 April 2020
St. Lawrence Catholic Center at the University of Kansas

How are my feet?

Seems on the surface to be a rather pedestrian question.
Yet this is not a homily about my needing a pedicure.

Feet are a big deal in the Gospel.
Jesus' mandatum at the Last Supper was to wash each other's feet.
The most humble and contrite disciples wash and anoint his feet.
On Good Friday, we're invited to kiss his feet.

Mary Magdalen was the first to touch his Resurrected body!
She went for the feet.
How did Jesus leave the tomb?
By using his feet!

Peter's feet walked out of the locked room to witness the empty tomb.
The soldiers took a buyout instead to stay put where they were.

Notice all the running that takes place during Easter.
How are my feet?
Easter is a time for my feet to physically take me someplace new!
Post-quarantine, would anybody think first to embrace my feet?

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