Wednesday, April 15, 2020

does the resurrection change everything?

Wednesday in the Octave of Easter
15 April 2020
St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center at the University of Kansas

The Resurrection is not a myth.
It's a historical fact.
The evidence is overwhelming!
The proclamation of the deepest truth and greatest victory is going forth - He is Risen!
It changes everything.

So why are we still moving in the wrong direction?
Why do we still doubt?
The story of Emmaus is a precursor to doubting Thomas.

The Resurrection might be true.
But it's too much to take in.
And the message on the outside doesn't automatically change me from the inside.

I can still run.
I can still doubt.
I can still see only what I want to see.

The intimate and personal visit from the Risen Christ is far from automatic.
The Resurrection changes everything on the outside,
but the truth wants to operate from the inside.

It's why the Church gives us 50 days for the Risen Christ to come heal our fears.
For being disciples of the Risen Christ is the scariest thing of all.

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