Saturday, March 13, 2010

whether to leave college to enter seminary

This year I've had a lot of talks with guys who have started college but are feeling strong called to the seminary. Their hearts are telling these young men that perhaps they are wasting time and money in college and being disobedient to their priestly calling by not leaving immediately to go to seminary. The questions to be answered are so many! Here are a few of them.

1. Do you feel like God called you to this particular college in the first place? Why or why not?
2. Are you interested in leaving college because of unhappiness or lack of success, or solely because you believe the Lord is calling you? Are you sure you are not running away from anything?
3. Is there a particular virtue to be gained with your persevering in college until the end of your degree?
4. Are you mature enough to know that many students change courses because of immaturity, and are you able to rule this out?
5. Is there an opportunity to love and to serve and to pursue holiness right where you are, or is this impossible? Are you sure you are ready for seminary formation?
6. Does it take more trust to leave now to enter seminary or to wait knowing that your priestly vocation may or may not be there later?
7. What do the people that know you best think of the decision?
8. Have you discussed this thoroughly with your parents and been able to articulate your vocation to them?
9. Have you visited a seminary and discussed this thoroughly with the vocation director?
10. What are the benefits that you can identify to entering formation for the priesthood at a younger age? Are there particular spiritual and intellectual gifts that you desire to spend more time and energy developing?
11. Does having a 'back-up' plan sound prudent to you or does it make you feel like you are not obeying Christ? What does your heart honestly tell you? What are the regrets that you will have if you never enter seminary formation?
12. Are there any fears or anxieties that need to be addressed so that you make a decision in true freedom?

Well, there are many more questions than these - these are just the ones on the top of my mind. It is a tough decision, almost every time. What is great is when a young man is prayerful enough and virtuous enough that only good decisions are in front of him - choosing between two great goods! Eventually, the relationship with Christ must be deepened to the point that while not choosing any less, the reality is that we know ourselves to be chosen by Christ to be his priests! Please don't hesitate to contact me with questions you have about seminary!

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