Sunday, April 6, 2008

Homily for Monday of the 3rd Week of Easter

For daily readings, see

Jean Baptiste de la Salle, pray for us!

Well, it is hard to write a homily when all I can think about is the Jayhawk game vs. Memphis tonight for the national championship. Actually, I can think about a lot of other things, but living in Lawrence, it is on the front of everyone's minds. Stephen in today's readings from Acts shares intimately with Christ his Lord, and as we will hear soon, becomes the protomartyr of the first Christian community. Stephen's name is remembered in the Roman Canon of Eucharist Prayer I, used most often during the highest solemnities of the Church year. Stephen is given the grace of martyrdom because He is ready to testify to his belief that Jesus is truly the Savior of the world. This is the very thing that Jesus says can be done to accomplish the works of God (Jn 6:29). The first and most important work of God is to believe in the one whom God has sent. Before we can be as ready as Stephen to make the ultimate witness of our faith, we must begin by meditating on the last beatitude - Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you falsely because of me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great (Mt 5:11)! Meditating on this beatitude will help us to lose our fear of professing our faith, and will encourage us to make the sacrifices necessary to let the light of our faith in Jesus' resurrection to shine brightly before our brothers and sisters (Mt 5:15).

Mary, Queen of Vocations, pray for us!

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