Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Am I skeptical?

Tuesday of the 3rd Week of Advent B2
19 December Late Advent Weekday - O Root of Jesse's Stem
St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center at the University of Kansas

Am I skeptical?

Zechariah was, and suffered the consequence of being mute.  Mary believed, and thus sang of the greatness of the Lord!  They both received similar messages regarding a miraculous conception.  They were both told by the same angel not to be afraid.  Yet Mary responded with the readiness of faith.  She knew that nothing is impossible for God.

It is easy enough to be skeptical of Pope Francis.  Today he approved a spontaneous blessing on same-sex couples, risking further confusion regarding the meaning of marriage.  Marriage has been consistently understood to be between a biological man and woman, promised to each other for life and open to conceiving children in a natural way, and raising them.  Marriage is elevated by our Lord to a sacrament, a participation in and and sign of His marriage to the Church.  No other human relationship can be equivocated to marriage.  Pope Francis cannot change this truth, nor would he.  Yet he recognizes that those not called to marriage are also responsible for entering into relationships that give life by serving God and neighbor. Though the Church cannot endorse sex outside of marriage, she can recognize that unmarried persons need encouragement to fulfill their purpose in life.  Hence his approval of spontaneous, non-liturgical or sacramental blessings, similar to those given regularly to persons in every state in life.

This is why we need not view his decision today with skepticism.  Pope Francis's pastoral program will always reach out in compassion to those who feel excluded from the family of God, the Church.  He will always work on the margins, oftentimes to the consternation of those insiders who yearn for more clarity, not less, regarding the Church's unified teaching on faith and morals.  Pope Francis is not threatening this unity.  He simply reminds us that the Church prays for and blesses people all the time, no matter their state in life, to encourage each and all.  The Pope desires that we pursue the fullness of life and love together, not separately.

Am I skeptical?


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