Saturday, May 2, 2020

whose side am I on?

Saturday of the 3rd Week of Easter AII
St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center at the University of Kansas
2 May 2020

Whose side am I on?

Should Mass remain closed or be reopened?
Is Jesus man or God?
Can we gnaw on Jesus' flesh and drink His blood or not?

Whose side am I on?
Things can get political really quickly!  And they almost always do.

They did for St. Athanasius. He as bishop was thrown out of his diocese 5 times during the Arian controversy.  How's that for Church politics?  Athanasius was on the conservative side, on defense.  Trying to preserve the orthodox teaching of Nicaea.

Arius was on the liberal side, and was winning the popular vote in a landslide.

But Athanasius never went away.
Because He was on the Holy Spirit's side.
Thank God for him, who preserved true faith in Jesus by which the Father draws us.

The Holy Spirit is the one who transcends politics.
Who's right, who's wrong?  Who's left, who's right?
The Holy Spirit preserves the both/and principle of Catholicism.

Jesus is both human and divine.
So is His Church.
She is both liberal and conservative.
Her Eucharist is both sign and reality.
She both has the truth and grows in Her understanding of it.
She is both holy and in need of purification.

Most often, the truth, the virtue, the grace - they're in the middle.
The Holy Spirit draws us to them.

St. Athanasius is on the side of the Holy Spirit.

Whose side am I on?

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