Friday, February 18, 2022

what wins hearts?

Friday of the 6th Week in Ordinary Time C2
18 February 2022
St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center at the University of Kansas

What wins hearts?

Ultimate choices about life are made from the heart.  They ought be directed by words and enabled by virtue, yet they are made from the energy that is the passions.  What do I feel so strongly about that I'm willing to suffer.  It's the only way to lay hold of eternal life.

Discernment is confusing when the heart grows cold, bruised as it is by life's inevitable abuses.  What can inspire such a heart?

St. John says it is works of mercy.  When the proclamation of the Gospel loses its hearing and relevance, only works matter.  To put it as bluntly as he does, faith without works is dead.

Pope Francis has always longed for a Church known first and best by her love of the poor.  There is too much talking, not enough service.  So the faith suffers when it is not proclaimed above all through works of mercy.

It's what wins hearts.  

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