St. Leo the Great, pray for us!
St. Leo is one of only two popes to be called 'Great,' although there are already many who have begun called John Paul II this, in the hope that it will catch on. As far as I know, and I could very easily be wrong, there is no official process as to whether a Pope is declared Great or not - it is more by popular acclamation and usage. The fact that this title has stuck only to the names of two Popes in all of the history of the Church, gives us a great indication of the kind of man Leo was. He is known to be the principal theologian of the Council of Chalcedon, which solidified and codified the Church's belief in the two natures of Christ. As we know from studying Church history, the doctrinal statements of Chalcedon were essential in preserving the unity of the Church, especially in what she believed about Christ. St. Leo's defense of the unity of the Church extended as well to his work on behalf of the temporal welfare of the Church. He is known for protecting Rome and her most sacred churches and shrines, most of which were less than 100 years old at the time, from the onslaught of barbarians.
The commemoration of St. Leo gives us a chance today to pray for our holy father, and as St. Paul instructs in his letter to Titus, for our presbyters and bishops. The surest way to defeat the Church is to weaken her sacred ministers. We know well in the current situation of our Church, the immense amount of damage that can be done when a bishop or priest is not living a virtuous life that fosters unity within the body of Christ. St. Paul instructs that the Church cannot be too careful in who she ordains to the sacred ministry. The efficacy of the sacraments is never in question, but the fruitfulness of the sacraments is effected by the holiness of the ministers who dispense the grace. In addition, the first responsibility of bishops and priests is to preach the word of God. Jesus Himself warns that it is one thing to sin personally, but quite another thing to lead another person into sin. Just so, we should pray for the strength of our bishops and priests, who act in the person of Christ, that they would never give scandal by their conduct, and that they would form consciences with great courage and fidelity through their preaching and witness. St. Leo the great, pray for us, and for our pope, bishops and priests! +m
St. Leo is one of only two popes to be called 'Great,' although there are already many who have begun called John Paul II this, in the hope that it will catch on. As far as I know, and I could very easily be wrong, there is no official process as to whether a Pope is declared Great or not - it is more by popular acclamation and usage. The fact that this title has stuck only to the names of two Popes in all of the history of the Church, gives us a great indication of the kind of man Leo was. He is known to be the principal theologian of the Council of Chalcedon, which solidified and codified the Church's belief in the two natures of Christ. As we know from studying Church history, the doctrinal statements of Chalcedon were essential in preserving the unity of the Church, especially in what she believed about Christ. St. Leo's defense of the unity of the Church extended as well to his work on behalf of the temporal welfare of the Church. He is known for protecting Rome and her most sacred churches and shrines, most of which were less than 100 years old at the time, from the onslaught of barbarians.
The commemoration of St. Leo gives us a chance today to pray for our holy father, and as St. Paul instructs in his letter to Titus, for our presbyters and bishops. The surest way to defeat the Church is to weaken her sacred ministers. We know well in the current situation of our Church, the immense amount of damage that can be done when a bishop or priest is not living a virtuous life that fosters unity within the body of Christ. St. Paul instructs that the Church cannot be too careful in who she ordains to the sacred ministry. The efficacy of the sacraments is never in question, but the fruitfulness of the sacraments is effected by the holiness of the ministers who dispense the grace. In addition, the first responsibility of bishops and priests is to preach the word of God. Jesus Himself warns that it is one thing to sin personally, but quite another thing to lead another person into sin. Just so, we should pray for the strength of our bishops and priests, who act in the person of Christ, that they would never give scandal by their conduct, and that they would form consciences with great courage and fidelity through their preaching and witness. St. Leo the great, pray for us, and for our pope, bishops and priests! +m
Look at the dumb priests and bishops in the blog picutres.
Father, how could you fall into the priesthood. Look they wear crazy customes and prade like women. Look at the St. Lawrence photos, two of the priests are staring at a young man's chest and buttock. Most priests are gay or at least homosexual.
Get a real job and leave Christians alone and stop stealing our monies.
Padre Mitchell:
On behalf of a member, we, the Faithful Christians, apologize on his/her behalf. The comments posted were uncharitable and without reason. We are taking actions to resolve the issues.
Rest assured, the Faithful Christians, support all members of Christian Churches, especially the Christian communities in union with Rome!
Also, please note the individual who posted the uncharitable remarks is struggling with the Christian faith. The individual had bad meetings with priests in the past, which caused him to leave the Church.
We, the Faithful Christians, understand the priests are called to holiness, as well as every baptized individual. We are all called to the Universal Call to Holiness.
Thank-you for the blog, In Christ, the Faithful Christians.
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