Sunday, June 12, 2022

what truth sets me free?

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time C2
St. Lawrence Catholic Center at the University of Kansas
12 June 2022

What is the truth that sets me free?

Jesus promises us today a Spirit that will guide us to all truth.  So what?  I don't want to marginalize Pentecost just a week after we celebrated it.  Yet so what?  What good is knowing truth? 

It's so that I can be free to live!  A truth, a wisdom that sets me free to fully live is the pearl of great price. For that truth I should sell everything!

What is the truth sets me free?

Today the Church highlights Her deepest and most essential mystery as the truth that will set me free!  That's right!  Today we declare that no idea, no mystery, no truth is more important or practical than the truth that God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit!  There is no truth more real, more personal, more practical or more life-giving than knowing this, and living by it.

It's a truth gifted to us by faith!  It's a truth revealed by a God who not only loves us enough to reveal Himself, but enough to invite us to dwell forever in the heart of this mystery, in the heart of reality, in the heart of truth, in the heart of relationship.

How does this truth set me free?

Well, before I answer that. let's just do a quick quiz to make sure you all can pass a graduate-level course in the theology of the Most Holy Trinity.  You ready?  It's a multiple-choice final!  You got this Jayhawks, even though there's no theology department at KU.  I believe in you!

1.  Which of the following is false?  God is . . 
a.  a single substance
b.  two processions
c.  three persons
d.  four relations
e.  all of the above.

If you answered e, you may proceed to the next question.

2.  God has revealed Himself as . . 
a.  family
b.  self-gift
c.  personal
d.  relational
e.  All of the above

If you answered e, you may proceed to the next question!

3.  At the heart of reality there is . . 
a.  physics
b.  choice
c.  communication
d.  nothing

If you answered c, you have passed a graduate course in theology!  Way to go!

At the heart of reality is communication.  If you live by any truth less than this, I dare say you are not free!

For the truth that sets me the most free is the truth that lies at the heart of reality, a truth that pre-existed and will out last choice, or atheism, or physics. It is a truth that both grounds and surpasses all the truths of created reality that higher education seeks to unlock.

The truth is this.  All reality communicates itself by nature.  Reality doesn't choose to communicate.  It just does.  So God, who is ultimate reality, is ultimate communion through communication.

So I, made in God's likeness, am more true and real and live when I communicate.  All sin, evil and death can be seen through this lens.  Death is a lack of sharing,  a stoppage of communication, a choice to be alone.

That choice to stop communicating is never in God.  It is a choice not even possible in Him, only in us whose freedom is gifted by the original communication of who God is, which led to our being created in His likeness.

What is the truth that sets me free?  Feel free to look anywhere else if you want.  But I'm telling you, the truth you desire has been communicated to you by a God who loves you and invites you into the heart of reality!

God is communion through communication.  I dare say this is the heart of everything that sets you free.

Beat my answer if you can.

What is the truth that sets you free?

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