Saturday, November 21, 2020

who are you responsible for?

34th and Last Week in Ordinary Time
Solemnity of Christ the King
22 November 2020
St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center at the University of Kansas

Who are you responsible for?  Who's in your kingdom?  They're the same question.  Your kingdom is the people you see yourself in, and are willing to serve.  If you don't have anyone like that, your kingdom is yourself.  You're king of a universe of one.  That probably sounds like hell because it is.

Who are you responsible for?  Who's in your kingdom?

We just survived the latest election cycle, or did we?   Did we elect any real leaders, or only imposters.  Today's Feast of Christ the King is also about leadership.  Leaders are only those who see themselves in others, and are ready to serve. Did we elect anybody like that?

There is only one leadership style!  There are ways of accessing the one style, but only one true way to rule, to shepherd or to judge. The eschatological Gospel at the end of this liturgical year puts it right in front of us.  Anybody desiring control or honor on the front end of leadership is a fake.  Bad leaders hurt people and they need to stop.

It's why so many people are afraid to lead.  It's a terrible responsibility.  The reward is not power, wealth or honor.  The reward of daring to lead is exploring the mystery of who you are.  It's about setting the destiny of your soul and that of others.  To fail to try or to lead badly means death.  The stakes are real, and they're high.  It takes the most courageous of people to lead well.

Who are you responsible for?  Your kingdom is those you see yourself in, and are ready to serve.  If there is nobody you're leading, today's parable shows you your destiny.  It's the destiny where you have the most control, but are most alone.

Real leaders forsake control for relationship.  If you dare to lead, you will never be alone.  Today's Feast guarantees that.  We are here today to be led, not to be controlled.  We are here to worship not because we have to, but because we want to.  We are here to worship real leadership and the only true King.  He sees Himself in us, and is more than ready to die for us.

After worshipping this king, you got next.  Who are you responsible for?

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