Sunday, October 11, 2020

What are you preparing for?


28th Sunday in Ordinary Time A

St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center at the University of Kansas

11 October 2020


I can handle anything that comes my way.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  That's quite a boast, St. Paul!

You can handle anything?  If so, what do you think is the worst thing that could happen to you?

The worst thing that can happen is to become selfish.  That's not my answer.  It's the answer of a Phi Delt freshman from Bible Study this week.  He said the worst thing that could happen to him is his becoming selfish.

I can't think of a better answer, can you?.

For to become selfish is to become incapable of marriage.   Yet marriage is everything.  Marriage is the ground of all reality, the source of life, the meaning of our lives, our constant calling, the fulfillment of all desire, and our highest destiny!

As we see clearly in the Gospel, to fail to RSVP for marriage, or to crash the wedding unprepared, is the worst thing that can happen.  To fail at marriage means death.

So, don't let the worst thing happen to you, ok?  Don't become selfish and incapable of marriage!

What are you preparing for?  That's this week's pivotal question!

I pray that I'm preparing for marriage.  Yes, as a celibate priest, I am vowed not to marry a woman.  I am not called to that unique participation in, and sign of, the ultimate marriage between Christ the eternal bridegroom and His bride the Church.  Yet I am no less called to marriage.  

So are you, whatever your state in life.  For nothing changes the world more than marriage.   Look around!  Divorce is always trying to have the last say.  The evil one is so good at dividing heaven and earth, Christ and His Church, husband and wife, body and soul, truth and love, justice and mercy, faith and reason.  In marriage the two become one, and new life results.  In divorce, they are divided, and the result is death!

You are invited to participate in marriage, in bringing and holding these things together!

What are you preparing for?  It has to be marriage.  Nothing could be more important.  I dare you to come up with a better answer.

You are invited right now to a wedding Feast the Father is throwing for His Son.  You are invited to be married directly to God now, and to consummate this communion by eating the body and drinking the blood of the eternal bridegroom!

The worst thing is to become selfish and incapable of this marriage.  The worst thing is to fail to RSVP or to try to crash this wedding unprepared.

What are you preparing for? 

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