Wednesday, November 7, 2018

art of invitation

Tuesday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time
Election Day 2018
6 November 2018
St. Lawrence Catholic Center at the University of Kansas
Votive Mass of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Patroness of the USA

What invitations do you accept and which do you reject?  Specifically, what is the Lord inviting you to right now?  Whatever it is, we have to make time in our schedules for these invitations.

If we avoid invitations because we are busy, or we bail on our commitments because we don't feel like it or something better comes up, we are not preparing ourselves for accepting the invitation we have from God to be with him forever in heaven.

When is the last time your bailed on somebody or something important, when they were counting on you to come and your presence meant a lot?  It is true the plans can change, but as much as we can, we should make commitments according to God's will, and hold fast to those commitments.  It is good practice for accepting the invitation to eternal life that comes to each of us most personally from Jesus Himself.

When is the last time you rejected or bailed on an invitation that you received directly from God?  Now is a good day to repent and to get ready for the next invitation that will surely come.

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