Sunday, June 2, 2024

What should I be proud of?

Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ
St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center at the University of Kansas
2 June 2024

What should I be proud of?

Not a darn thing, except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.  St. Paul nailed it. May I boast of nothing - nothing - nothing - except this.

For this sacrificial act, and this act alone, unleashed the mercy that redeems the world and every human life, most especially yours!  How could I boast of anything less than this exceptional love, re-presented so intimately, perfectly and beautifully for me at this Mass, in the most holy sacrament of Christ's body and blood.

What should I be proud of?  Nothing except THIS.  Nothing else compares. Nothing less redeems.  Nothing else allows me to passover from death to life, except this!

You want to do something great with you life, something you can be proud of?  You want to do something that matters, something that defeats evil and death forever?  Then do this.  Be a part of this!  Do this in memory of me!

I've been a part of some of the largest crowds in human history, that have gathered not to parade a championship or a human MVP or GOAT, but to process this humble sign of Jesus' passion to redeem the world.  This humble, intimate, perfect, beautiful sacrament of charity is meant to pass by every human person, so that by passing through it, every person may pass over from death to life.  

I have been a part of these tremendous crowds of millions, who gather when we are not ashamed to take this most humble gift outside.  In exposing the Blessed Sacrament in procession, we treat Jesus not as the private possession of a Church that virtue signals a reclusive superiority, but we share Him in a way that lets His sacred heart burn for all to see and experience.

It's Corpus Christi, people!  Which means it is take Jesus outside month, charity month, humility month, passion month, not pride month.  Of course we must reverence every person always for the inherent dignity they have as a child loved by God, but let's not forget that pride is a deadly sin, nor that Jesus never told us to be proud of anything.  He commanded just the opposite, that whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever wishes to be first should be the last of all and the servant of all.  He showed us quite the opposite of pride, humbly laying down his life as an innocent lamb, and telling us plainly that whoever instead considers himself the GOAT will end of up the left and wrong side of history.

There's no lasting glory in privacy or choice or being a slave to one's passions.  No, there is greatness and glory and new life when you dare to place your passion and capacity to lay down your life for someone, within the passion and saving sacrifice of the Mass.  

I'm amazed that Jesus has invited me to place my life on this altar, inside this passover mystery, inside this process by which all things truly come to life.  I can't believe that He has invited me to 'Do this' in memory of Him.

May God's glory be His amazement that you humbly want to be a part of it too.


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