Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Where will I celebrate the Passover?

Reflection for Holy Week Retreat
Wednesday of Holy Week
27 March 2024
St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center at the University of Kansas

Where will the Passover be celebrated this year?  Well, of course here in St. Lawrence chapel, and in every Catholic Church throughout the world on Holy Thursday, the commemoration of the Lord's Supper will take place.  The passion of our Lord, re-presented in the sacrifice of the Mass, will be observed liturgically as the Sacred Triduum commences tomorrow night.

Yet there is another, better, deeper place where Jesus wishes to pass over from death to life.  You know that place well.  It's in the depth of your soul, where there are remaining no's because of the fear, pains and doubts that still afflict you.  Will I fulfill the purpose of my life?  Will I love and be faithful to the end.  Will the passover from death to life be accomplished in me?  Will that really be my story?

The gift of the Eucharist contains Jesus desire to reach that innermost part of your soul, where the battle against the ultimate enemies - sin and darkness and doubt and fear and evil and ultimately, death, is constantly played out.  

Your soul is invited to be the ultimate place where the passion of Jesus, his paschal mystery, is played out and accomplished.  Where will I celebrate the Passover with my disciples?  He wants to celebrate His story in you, should you give him permission.

You have said so.  Back to back betrayal days in the Gospel remind us of the gravity of our choice, the full influence and impact of my yes or no.  With my response to Jesus invitation to celebrate the Passover, goes my story and the story of those with whom I have influence.  

Isaiah invites us to set our faces like flint, knowing we will not be put to shame.  What a gift it is to find this dramatic edge in our souls, and to burn with fire and great anguish until the true purpose of my life is accomplished.  This is the fire of the Holy Spirit that years for the confrontation of this week.  Again, from Isaiah - if anyone wishes to oppose me, let us appear together.  Let him confront me.  Let us appear together.  What a wonderful moment this really is to face what I need to face.

May Jesus beg you for the permission to say yes in you, and to passover through you this week, so that you can ask him the question - is it me, Lord?  Is it in me that you want to celebrate your passover?  You have said so.

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