Monday, May 4, 2020

what are you eating?

Monday of the 4th Week of Easter
4 May 2020
St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center at the University of Kansas

What am I eating?
Who am I eating with?

What am I eating?
Who am I eating with?

What am I eating?
Who am I eating with?

These are questions I can never ask enough.
For I am what I eat.
I am the sum total of the people that I eat with.

It's at the heart of Catholicism.
I am the bread of life.
My flesh is true food.  My blood is true drink.

It's at the heart of all God's covenants,
which are always prescribed by what to eat and with whom.

It's at the heart of Jesus' ministry
so many of his signs involved food.

Finally, as Peter is reminded today,
relationship through food is at the heart of evangelization too.
You can eat what the Gentiles eat.

 May I never tire of asking myself the question.
What am I eating?
Who am I eating with?
And why?

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