Monday, April 27, 2020

what's the hardest job?

Monday in the 3rd Week of Easter AII
St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center at the University of Kansas
27 April 2020

What's the hardest job I've ever had?

Working hogs jumps to mind for me.  Messy. Smelly.  Loud.  Exhausting.

But on second thought, it's not the hardest job I've ever had.

Trusting, Surrendering.  Receiving.  Praying.
These are a lot harder.

I'd much rather wrestle a hog than wrestle with God.
It's not even close.
And not just because I like bacon a lot.

Faith is the hardest work.
To believe that God is trustworthy.
Jesus told his new followers that this alone is the first and most necessary work.

His belief will eventually cost him his blood.

It's much easier for me to start with my to-do list.
And to pretend that everything is more urgent and harder.

But faith is.

Jesus' first signs were yummy and easy.
His ultimate signs are harder.
The cross.  The empty grave.  The Eucharist.

What am I supposed to do?
Believe in the One whom He has sent.

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