3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time A
Christ the King Catholic Church Topeka
25/26 January 2014
Beginning of Catholic Schools Week
Daily Readings
As we enter into Catholic schools week, I want to begin this very brief homily by expressing my deep admiration and appreciation for our Catholic school. Although I didn't have a chance to go to Catholic school myself, and I have an equally deep appreciation for those who work in religious education, I've always dreamed of being a pastor with a Catholic school. And here at CTK I hit the jackpot. This parish supports this school so generously and sacrificially, and I so enjoy being part of the formation and life of the school. I get to teach in the classrooms, celebrate Mass, hit recess, and observe how hard the administration and faculty and staff work to bring the Catholic faith to our kids and to make our school excellent in every way. Catholic schools in many ways try to do the impossible . . with limited resources to be excellent in every way. And they pull it off! It's the story of our Catholic faith . . start with a little, and with faith in God is grows into something beautiful and tremendous. My deepest gratitude for each of you who make our Catholic school so great, as the primary ministry our parish provides to our families and our community! Thanks to all of you as we enter into Catholic schools week together!
Tonight's scriptures give us a couple of quick examples of things we are able to teach our kids in a Catholic school environment. First of all we are able to teach that Christ is the source of all knowledge, and that knowledge reaches its highest point in the sign of the cross. St. Paul says that the cross of Christ should never be emptied of its meaning. The crucifixes that hang in our classrooms are better educational aids, then, than the ipads we just got for our kids, and impart greater knowledge than the smartphones we all use. The cross teaches us that no matter how smart we think we are, and yes, I was at the geography bee a couple weeks ago and our kids are super smart - still, the cross teaches us that the most important lesson to learn in life is how to give ourselves away in love. The cross teaches us that pain and suffering, failure and rejection, vulnerability and persecution are not things we have to avoid in order to be happy. No, they are human experiences that can be transcended and conquered by love. A Christian then learns how to give his life away in love completely before death and darkness ever can conquer us. This is the wisdom that lies at the heart of our Catholic faith, and is on display in our Catholic school.
Then there is the calling of Peter and Andrew, James and John. Specifically, we are able to teach in a Catholic school that each one of us is known and loved and called by God. This is the dignity and destiny of every person God created, and we are able to celebrate that without apology. Like Zebedee, our parents entrust the calling of their kids to a holy vocation, and a beautiful way of making Jesus's truth and love present in the world, to the Church and the school. We set the stage where our kids can know the voice of Jesus from the inside out, and he might call each of them to a life that may not be successful on the world's terms, but to a life that is so much bigger, and happier and more fruitful than any life they would choose for themselves. Our kids are able every day to enter into that adventure of discovering God's will in their lives, and again, we are able to do that without equivocation or apology, but with greater fervor and joy!
Today's video will give you a peak into our Catholic school - again, my thanks to Mrs. Reynoso and the incredible faculty and staff here, and to the parents and parishioners of CTK, for their support of the school! A blessed Catholic schools week to all!
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time A
Christ the King Catholic Church Topeka
25/26 January 2014
Beginning of Catholic Schools Week
Daily Readings
Tonight's scriptures give us a couple of quick examples of things we are able to teach our kids in a Catholic school environment. First of all we are able to teach that Christ is the source of all knowledge, and that knowledge reaches its highest point in the sign of the cross. St. Paul says that the cross of Christ should never be emptied of its meaning. The crucifixes that hang in our classrooms are better educational aids, then, than the ipads we just got for our kids, and impart greater knowledge than the smartphones we all use. The cross teaches us that no matter how smart we think we are, and yes, I was at the geography bee a couple weeks ago and our kids are super smart - still, the cross teaches us that the most important lesson to learn in life is how to give ourselves away in love. The cross teaches us that pain and suffering, failure and rejection, vulnerability and persecution are not things we have to avoid in order to be happy. No, they are human experiences that can be transcended and conquered by love. A Christian then learns how to give his life away in love completely before death and darkness ever can conquer us. This is the wisdom that lies at the heart of our Catholic faith, and is on display in our Catholic school.
Then there is the calling of Peter and Andrew, James and John. Specifically, we are able to teach in a Catholic school that each one of us is known and loved and called by God. This is the dignity and destiny of every person God created, and we are able to celebrate that without apology. Like Zebedee, our parents entrust the calling of their kids to a holy vocation, and a beautiful way of making Jesus's truth and love present in the world, to the Church and the school. We set the stage where our kids can know the voice of Jesus from the inside out, and he might call each of them to a life that may not be successful on the world's terms, but to a life that is so much bigger, and happier and more fruitful than any life they would choose for themselves. Our kids are able every day to enter into that adventure of discovering God's will in their lives, and again, we are able to do that without equivocation or apology, but with greater fervor and joy!
Today's video will give you a peak into our Catholic school - again, my thanks to Mrs. Reynoso and the incredible faculty and staff here, and to the parents and parishioners of CTK, for their support of the school! A blessed Catholic schools week to all!
1 comment:
Has God sent a prophet? www.thewarningsecondcoming.com
Be sure to read about the “Seal of the Living God” found on the homepage links - *a Biblical reference to this topic: Rev. chapter 7
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