Tuesday of the 2nd Week of Lent I
22 March 2011
St. Lawrence Catholic Campus Center at the University of Kansas
The Lenten readings keep emphasizing that Lent has to be a season of renewal from the inside out. God does not need our outward sacrifices. He has everything he needs. Rather, he desires that we be good from the inside out not for his sake, but for our sake. He wants us to be happy from the inside out, not barely escaping his justice from the outside in. He wants us to be free to pursue the deepest desires of our hearts. That is the kind of fast that he desires for us this Lent, not an outward show, but a true rendering of hearts, not just garments.
To this end, the prophets and our Lord himself keep pointing us toward almsgiving. Almsgiving shows that our Lent is not simply about self-improvement, so that God and others will look more favorably on us, or so that we will feel better about ourselves. Those who seek to be good only from the outside in, have already received their reward. No, Lent is less about self-improvement and more about self-forgetfulness, to the point that almsgiving becomes a key to having a good Lent, just as important as prayer and fasting. Helping other people to carry their burdens, looking after the most vulnerable. This is the kind of fast that is pleasing to the Lord, because it corresponds to the great commandment of love which completes the meaning of human person. Love one another, as I have first loved you.
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