Wednesday of the 33rd Week in Ordinary Time B
17 November 2010
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Prayers of petition are great. But prayers of praise might be better. They keep us focused on God and what He is doing. Prayers of praise recognize what God has already done and what He is doing at this moment. This is perhaps more important than prayers of petition, because God might be giving us more than we dare to ask Him, before we even ask Him.
Prayers of petition have to follow upon prayers of praise and thanksgiving. For if we begin with focusing on ourselves and our needs, we risk not recognizing and passing on the gifts we have already received. Prayer of petition, if they precede prayers of thanksgiving, can be merely prayers of helping us keep the status quo, like the servant who hid the gold coin in his handkerchief. The important question is not 'what do I need to get by today?' That is a minimalistic question. Rather, the better question is how do I recognize God's goodness and presence, and how do I magnify that presence?
We see the 24 elders and the 4 living creatures giving thanks forever in heaven. This is the prayer that will last forever, after every one of our needs is completely satisfied. When you pray the petitions and the Sanctus at today's Mass, which prayer is more important to you? Pray them both and see.
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