Before heading out to a pre-game dinner, enjoying the mounting facebook comments regarding my kstate smacks. I should not have rained on their parade after they beat #1 Texas. KState really looked good defensively, and I really like their team, and yes I am scared that they could win the Big 12, but some of the emaw and fear the beard stuff was just too good to ignore. I need to grow in virtue and keep the comments to myself. But it sure is fun having a basketball rivalry with kstate again. It was no fun beating up on some of their mediocre teams of the last 20 years, and I think they would agree football got a lot more fun when KU got a few things working the last couple of years. Here's hoping that Turner Gill and Frank Martin are both fantastic coaches to get the rivalry hot as an oven. I had kind of lost hope that I would ever feel the same way playing KState as I do before the kickoff of Armageddon at Arrowhead (KU/MU at Arrowhead) but this KState team gets your blood pumping. They are good. How good? We'll see.
I had the great privilege of celebrating a Mass for youth from the Archdiocese who left on pilgrimage this morning to the March for Life in Washington DC. It is so great to see new young members of the pro-life movement. It is a movement that will undoubtedly win in the end. It has truth and justice and love on its side! I wish it were sooner rather than later. I preached about the schizophrenia of America's laws that charge people with double homicide if a pregnant woman is killed, but do nothing when a child is aborted. I preached about how contraception is the least natural thing someone can use in a culture in which it is fashionable to 'go green.' I preached about how the very same pregnancy can be called either a baby or a fetus depending only on whether the child is wanted or not. The young people going to stand up for life know that they never had the right to be born. They will do a great job and I was happy to send them off. I have the Mass at KU Friday at Danforth chapel.
This afternoon I was able to tape a short radio show with Archbishop Naumann regarding the priesthood and vocations. I think it will air in February on KEXS 1090.
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