Friday, March 13, 2009

Homily for Friday of the 2nd Week of Lent

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In Joseph and Jesus, we see two 'stones rejected by the builders, which later become the cornerstone.' In today's story from Genesis, we see Joseph betrayed by his brothers and sold into the hands of sinners, only later to be resurrected in the land of Egypt and to become the source of salvation to the very brothers who betrayed him. Just so, Jesus is betrayed by those he loves yet after His resurrection, He becomes the source of eternal life for all, even for His enemies who betrayed Him. As Fr. Robert Barron says often in His homilies, if you want to find the kingdom of God, you should not look towards celebrities or people in power. We should look for stones rejected by the builders, who later become the cornerstones on which God builds His everlasting kingdom. God chooses the weak and foolish always to confound those who consider themselves powerful and wise. This is how the story of our salvation reads. It is how the story of redemption proceeds today. Jesus thus promised to His disciples, that if we wish to build God's kingdom, we will become weak in the eyes of the world, and be willing to be rejected and to share in the cup of suffering that Jesus drank (Mk 10:38-39).

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