Wondering today what it would be like to be 'caught' saying Mass in the catacombs and then executed the same day, like Sixtus and his companions, today's honored saints, were. I'm going to Rome with some friends in October and looking forward to saying Mass once again near the tomb of St. Peter (this will be my second time!). I haven't been to the catacombs since 2000 so maybe I need a visit to refresh my memory of what they are like. Shortly we will see if Google can tell me if the site where Sixtus was 'caught' saying Mass is known and able to be visited. Feel myself getting excited today for the new Catholic students coming to KU, and all students who will visit the St. Lawrence Center in the coming year. We have a couple of great new staff members and the place should be 'hopping!' I'm in charge of servers this year so I'm hoping to develop some guys to know Jesus better through the deepening of their Eucharistic piety, and hopefully they will hear his voice more clearly within the context of the liturgy and choose to follow him in the priesthood. Sound like a plan? +m Sixtus and Companions, pray for us!
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