For daily readings, see http://www.usccb.org/nab/readings/042908.shtml
St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us!
Perhaps the most difficult part of discerning the priesthood or religious life is taking the necessary step to 'subtract' something from one's life in order to pursue something greater. Jesus is disappointed that His disciples in today's Gospel are not asking Him where He is going. It is one thing for them to be grieved at his promised departure from them, for certainly they are losing the greatest thing in their lives, His presence among them. The Lord has to tell His disciples, however, that it is better for them if He goes. They can only see the pain of losing His immediate presence and cannot therefore see by themselves the greater ramifications of His ascension into heaven. Jesus must remind them that He will only do what is best for them.
many young people who are theoretically open to a religious vocation are confused by their intense desire for marriage and for other careers. Ordinarily, we are in the habit of adding as many good things to our lives as we can. Discernment is more than this kind of addition, however. The best discernment takes place when we find the one necessary thing. Jesus promises that this one necessary thing is He Himself, and He always invites us to leave everything else behind in order to follow Him more exactly. So discerning the voice of Jesus is oftentimes as much about subtraction as it is about addition. In the end, discerning a vocation to the priesthood or religious life can be likened to Jesus' conversation with His disciples regarding his Ascension. It is better for you if I go, Jesus says. Will it be better for all concerned if we go with Jesus so that many will come to believe in the kingdom of heaven?
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